Welcome, Sons and Daughters

Whew! I thought you'd never get here. I've been waiting a long time.  I want to explain why life on Earth is so difficult and how it can be changed. This website will be my primary means of communicating. You must regularly visit here for spiritual updates and crucial information concerning both worldly and spiritual things.

First off, the world will not end in December 2012. I don't work like that. Some want you to fear that date. They are your enemies. Do not believe them. They are trying to distract you from the truth. They know I am near, and are fearful, because there is no place for them in My world. Their world is ending and Mine is beginning.

Soon war and bloodshed will vanish from the Earth. Suffering will end and poverty will be a thing of the past. Love WILL rule the day. But first, you need to learn how to assist Me in ushering in the new world. I need your help. All My might can do nothing without you. We are a team. Work with me and the world WILL change.

Evil entered the world through the Human Fall and continues to dominate human existence. Human nature was corrupted, leaving you dehumanized, desensitized and only partially human. Essentially, you must re-humanize yourselves, but you cannot do it alone. That is why I am directly reaching out to you now. Join me on this great journey. Every dream, every wish, every hope you have will come true.

    Questions? Contact Me, I Urgently
    Await Your Correspondence.